Thursday, November 26, 2009

Smith's Crisps - Do us a fucking flavour?

Smith's Crisps in their "brillance" have decided to get the public to create a new chip flavour and if chosen as a finalist, have the chip put into production and have the public buy, eat and vote on their favourite flavour.

The four finalist "flavours" are:
  • Buttered Popcorn (It's too salty but does taste a bit like popcorn)
  • Caesar Salad (It tastes ok and acutally tasts like salad) - my choice
  • Late Night Kebab (tastes like shite)
  • and BBQ Coat of Arms (tastes way too smokey and shite)
With the voting, it's based on 60% of the vote on sales of the chip flavour and 40% from public voting.

Here's where it's dodgy, you can vote 5 times a day p/ how is that a fair vote? Should be able to vote once and that's it!!

For the winner, their flavour will go into full production and be a regular Smith's Crisps flavour, $30,000 cash PLUS 1% of the sales of the chips (this means the net Australian Sales - sales revenue recieved by Smith's of the winning flavour from it's distribution less discounts, allowances and stales) up to a maximum of $200,000 per year commencing from 1/1/2010...

Here is a snap shot of the public voting taken on 27th Nov 2009..

Seems like the Caesar Salad and Late Night Kebab flavours are leading....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Telstra T-Hub

The T-Hub
Telstra's answer to the iiNet BoB...